Intarsia Bows

I guess I was just so excited about my post-college freedom that I had a burst of pent up knitting creativity yesterday afternoon. I knit up these little intarsia bows! I've had the idea in my head for awhile now but I just haven't had the time to give it a try. There's nothing like taking advantage of my first day out of college to make it happen, right? I went a little crazy and kept making bows in different color combinations. You know me...crazy Meredith...knitting bows for fun. Woo! ;-)

I'm still not exactly sure what I want to do with these bows yet. I was just having fun experimenting with my colorwork doodling with yarn or something! Haha. I have a few ideas and I can't wait to see how they turn out.

Now I'm just getting ready for my family to come to town for graduation weekend! There is lots of cleaning and dusting going on around here. I actually get really anxious during events like this...where I'm the person being "celebrated" and everything. It makes me even more nervous than usual. I guess I worry that people won't have a good time. That's so silly, isn't it? I always put too much stress on things. I've been waiting and waiting for this day...I just need to enjoy it!

I think I'll work on these intarsia bows some more and relax.

What projects are you working on?