The Blush List is Back!
Fiber Art - Incredible, embroidered tennis racquets by Danielle Clough
Style - I'm in love with this whole look!
Art - Just swinging from the moon! :) Collage art by Clare Celeste.
Wish List - As a self-professed brooch fanatic, I think we all saw my pin obsession coming...haha. Clearly I'm not the only one! This pin is one of my favorites out there!
Food - Earl grey donuts with pomegranate glaze...yes please! Recipe by Butter and Brioche.
For those of you have read One Sheepish Girl for a few years, you might remember my weekly inspiration feature, The Blush List. I would love to bring it back as a regular part of the blog if you are interested! I thought starting the week with a batch of handmade, artistic, fashion, and food inspiration would be great for all of us. I know I love it!
For more inspiration, follow along on Pinterest and Tumblr. Where do you like to collect things that inspire you? I am also thinking about starting a vision board for the year but I'm unsure of where to start. If you have any tips I would greatly appreciate any that you can offer!
Cheers to a new week!