She Percolates Podcast Interview

I can honestly say that chatting with Jen and Danielle during my She Percolates podcast interview was one of the most inspiring conversations I have had in a really long time. When we all said goodbye, I was overcome with inspiration and excitement. We had quite a few "real talk" moments and I absolutely loved it.

I met Danielle when I first joined the Etsy community five years ago. We still can't remember how we started talking...haha. Oh, but I am so glad we did! I have watched her business grow, traveled to visit her in New York, Boston, and Norfolk, and enjoyed countless Skype conversations with her over the years. I am so excited for this new adventure in podcasting and I was honored when she approached me to be a guest! I am so happy to know Jen, her co-podcaster in crime, and equally strong and inspiring lady. These two are doing incredible things!!

We had a great time talking about everything from insecurities to my dream coffee date with Jimmy Fallon. So, head on over to She Percolates, pour yourself some coffee, and join us for a great conversation. We get real and I love it. Although, I can't really listen to my own voice without cringing so I have to listen to it in pieces...haha.

I hope you enjoy it! Remember: You are not your resume. You are not your Instagram profile. You are so much more than a list of things you can do.

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