Weekend Escape - Bits, Bobs, & Bikes

I went back to McKinney, my new favorite place of escape, on Saturday for some wandering, meandering, browsing, and a few other "-ings". ;) The regular ol' days of the week are rarely filled with such lovely, photogenic moments, so it's nice to find a place of inspiration and escape from the day-to-day stresses of life. I'm juggling lots of emotions at the moment. Most of them are very exciting while others are causing my current headache right between the eyes. Like I said before, I have a a few things going on that are un-blogable at the moment. (Blogable? Let's just pretend that is a real word for a minute.) Even though they are un-blogable and a bit stressful, they are good and exciting! I need to focus on the positive parts right now and just be patient.

So, these little weekend trips might not reflect my daily life but they do reflect a lot of inspiration and moments of happiness that I want to remember. A beautiful bike filled with fragrant flowers that I wanted to ride away on, a giant crochet blanket hung from the wall, a jar of vintage pin cushions that bring back memories of my grandma, and ballet slippers hanging on the wall of a furniture shop, reminding me of my short-lived days of dance in elementary school. On the surface they are just snapshots of a small weekend adventure but they are also snapshots of a life in transition. A life learning new things and appreciating the changes of the future. I keep telling myself everything will work out in the end and I know, eventually, it will.

I can't rush my life away so I might as well appreciate the beautiful moments of life in front of me and patiently wait for the ones beyond.

I'm sure most of us are dealing with some form of stress right now. I hope it all works out for you soon, too. :)

Have a great day!