The Blush List - Summer Fades

Knitting // I've had my eye on this scarf pattern for awhile now. It looks a little like giant knit stitches at the top!
Crochet // This stripey cowl pattern looks simple with room for color experimentation!
Wish List // I can't get enough of the colors in this illustrated pillow case
Style // I rarely get giddy over shoes, but these pricey red beauties stopped me in my tracks. I have never loved a shoe as much as I love these. Why is beauty so expensive? ;)
Art // Oana Befort's artwork is just so dreamy. I love her attention to detail. 

Food // This peanut butter and honey granola recipe is definitely going on my to-make list! It sounds like the perfect after school snack. Yikes. No more after school snacks for me. Ok...this sounds like the perfect regular person, non-student snack. Haha. ;)

It's crazy how quickly this summer has come and gone! The school supply commercials are making me a little nervous. I didn't think it would be so weird not going back to school for the first time in my life, but after 16 years of routine, I guess this weird feeling isn't so abnormal. This autumn is going to be very different from the previous seasons in my life. As long as I keep working hard, hopefully a new routine will come around the corner.

Thank you so much for all of the birthday wishes this weekend! I had a great time celebrating with friends and family. Most of the weekend was spent celebrating my dear friend on her wedding day! My friends and I were part of her house party and helped out with all sorts of tasks throughout the day. I was so busy running around that I didn't get a chance to take a single picture! Thankfully the day was so beautiful that I think the warm memories will be enough. :)

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! What did you do?

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

the blush listmeredith