The Blush List - A Cozy Home

Knitting // I love this sweet house sweater from one of my favorite knit shops, Warmi.
Crochet // This big, puffy, crochet apple cushion brings a big smile to my face. I just want to hug it! 
Etsy // I tried to find something cuter than this sweet pair of plate and spoon brooches...but it just wasn't possible! My brooch addiction continues. 
Style // I discovered Marguerite's lovely blog after reading her interview with Rebecca earlier this week. Her style and photography are so pleasing. I want to join her and grab a cup of tea when I sit down to read it. 
Art // This is definitely one of the cutest prints around! It's in my favorite colors too! It would be perfect for a kitchen. 

Food // I'm ready to make another bundt cake thanks to this zebra bundt cake recipe!

This sounds like the perfect home to me...filled with bright colors and yummy food.

I hope you all had a great weekend! I have definitely enjoyed relaxing in my own comfortable home and felt blessed to have time for knitting, creating, and all of the things I love! I am officially FINISHED with the fawn-cho and I love it sooooooo much. Too much maybe? Nah. It is so perfect. I took lots of pretty pictures of it yesterday and I will share them this week. I wish it was cool enough so I could actually wear it this week.

Oh well, it is cloudy and rainy here in Texas today so I guess I will just pour myself a cup of tea and pretend that I am in London. ;-)

P.S. - This is so random, but today at breakfast the waitress looked at me and my mom like we were crazy when we asked for milk with our tea. She said that she had never heard of having milk with tea before. I thought that was a pretty standard combination. Other people drink their tea with milk in it...right??

the blush listmeredith