A crafty collaboration with Ello Lovey
One of my favorite memories of the Jingle Bash last November was sharing that crazy day with my booth neighbor, Rhianna of Ello Lovey. She was so sweet and helpful during my few panicky, "it's my first craft show and I want to start breathing into a paper bag" moments. ;-)
We kept in touch after the show and she recently proposed an idea for a possible collaboration. Why don't I add a few crochet borders to some of her prints for our Etsy shops? Such a great idea! I was extremely nervous punching holes into her beautiful prints though...haha. I'm so glad she trusts me to do a good job! The prints will be in our shops very soon, so I will keep you posted on the details.
How cool is it working with other creative people? I never thought I would have the opportunity to create something like this with a fellow Etsian. It's just reason number 1,000,001 why I love this community. :)