The Blush List - Quirky & Cozy
It's finally "snuggle weather" and I couldn't be happier. I would love to cozy up to these quirky and cozy finds...
Knitting // I must admit, foxes get me every time. Donna Wilson - Fox Cushion
Knitting #2 // I love the design for these Henrik Vibskov knit laptop cases. So unique!
Etsy // These mittens by Tiny Toadstool are like a piece of art!
Style // I think I need to add this Bolla sweater by Monki to my collection!
Art // This print is like a self portrait! ;-) I love all of Nan Lawson's work. "Green Sweater" by Nan Lawson
Food // Is there anything cozier than bacon? Add the words "brown sugar" and "biscuits" to the mix and I'm sold! I have to try this brown sugar biscuit recipe!
I'm feeling pretty good about my Jingle Bash progress, so I might take a little break this study. Haha. I'm just taking it all one day at a time. :)
Happy Sunday everyone! I hope you get a chance to relax too!