I usually don't like posts with only iPhone photos...

...but...it has been one busy week!! This is only the second week of class and I'm already feeling overwhelmed. So many books to read and papers to write. All of it is making my head feel fuzzy.

In other news, I cut my hair! (If you follow me on Twitter you know this already). I planned on doing an official post about it, but all of this lovely stress from school is currently showing in little red spots on my face. Awesome. Since I don't have photoshop, the Nashville filter on Instagram is the next best thing! ;-)

 I loved the blue SO much, but it was really difficult for me to keep up with. For some reason the blue was staining everything - towels, sheets, my neck on extremely hot days (which is everyday) - everything. So I said toodle-loo to the blue and chopped if off!

In addition to homework, reading, knitting, and classes this week I have been....

Listening to my record player non-stop. It's very soothing
Getting organized for the busy fall season and buying cute supplies like these post-its.  

And today I scored a pumpkin spice latte! I went to Starbucks before I came home this afternoon and quietly whispered to the barista, "Do you happen to have any pumpkin spice latte yet?" He replied, "Shh! Yes...but don't tell anyone." I felt very sneaky...and lame for actually whispering pumpkin spice latte. Oh well, I still got one. Since it's still 5,000 degrees outside, I got it iced and enjoyed every last cinnamon-spiced sip.

I'm so glad everyone is enjoying the crochet rainbow cake pattern!! I was completely floored when I saw that Craft Magazine posted about the pattern on their blog yesterday! Also, the lovely Jody was nice enough to interview me on her lovely blog, Peach Parlor. Go take a peek!

I will also be announcing the birthday month giveaway winner on Saturday. I can't wait to send off the goodies to the three winners! :-)

How was your week? Is everyone feeling a bit busier now that summer is over?
