DIY - Frame for 52 Weeks of Instax

Ta-da! Here it is, my super-secret project I worked on over the weekend! It is a display frame for my 52 Weeks of Instax photos. I am in LOVE with it! I was inspired by this great post on the blog Talia Christine. She dreamt up the idea of displaying her polaroid pictures in a frame, so her sweet husband built it for her and gave it to her as a gift! *Aww!* I spotted a snapshot of her frame floating around on Pinterest and I fell in love. I knew I had to make something similar, but at the time I wasn't using my Instax often enough to warrant the creation of a frame. Then I started my 52 weeks of Instax challenge and finally had a reason to take at least one picture a week.
However, my pictures were just laying around on tables or stuck in plastic bags and not being cherished like they should. *Light-bulb* That's when I had an idea! I wanted to make my own version of a display frame, but each clothespin would be for a specific week for the entire year. So I decided to make it happen! 
I was so excited when I found this frame because it is the perfect size to fit all 52 of my Instax photos! I spray painted it blue to match my apartment....

Then, with my dad's help, we attached these frame hanger eyelets to the inside of the frame and separated them an equal distance apart. 
Next, we attached the frame hanging wire to the eyelets across from each other and made sure it was tight so the pictures wouldn't sag. 
Then I wrote out weeks 1-52 on the clothespins....

And hung it up on the wall!! 
Oh it is even more perfect than I imagined! It is going to be so much fun to look at throughout the year. When my 52 weeks are up, I will put the pictures into some sort of album and start all over again the next year.
 I can't wait until each clothespin is holding a picture...all the way up to week 52. :-)